07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

Lots of small announcements:

For contestants, we've announced a preliminary range duty roster. Please check it out and let us know (by the form at the bottom of the page) if there are any problems. http://naram56.org/index.php/contest-info/range-duty-roster

Pre-registration is now offline as scheduled. We can continue selling banquet tickets until Sunday of NARAM, you can still purchase them online by registering as a spectator. http://naram56.org/index.php/registration/banquet-cutoff-field-pricing

If you'd like a printable schedule with room information on it, find it here: http://naram56.org/images/NARAM56schedulerooms.pdf

And finally, we're announcing our banquet menu & dress code: http://naram56.org/index.php/naram-information/banquet-information


Now that you're registered, you can start building your contest models, your high power certifications attempts, your night launch rockets and your fun event rockets. 6 Fun events to choose from!

While we are providing shirts, patches & pins at the launch, Zazzle is our provider for other various NARAM-56 related merchandise including belt buckles, polo shirts, and stickers. Today (Saturday June 21st) the code SUNNYLONGDAY gets you 21% off your order at Zazzle. http://zazzle.com/naram56*

In response to a few inquiries, we are announcing reduced pricing for children ages 4-11 for sport flying for the week (10$ less than the normal prices). 

In addition, after checking with our banquet meal provider, we are also able to offer banquet tickets for young rocketeers at a reduced price as well. Normal banquet tickets remain 40$, ages 4-11 are 30$ and children 3 and younger eat free (but please register them anyway).

If you've already registered your child for sport flying or the banquet and want a refund, please get in touch with the Contest Director on the contact page. Shortly, we'll be emailing everyone that we think qualifies for a small refund, but if we missed you, please let us know.
