07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

Thanks to almost everyone at NARAM pitching in, we flew 3 events today. Tomorrow we'll finish Helicopter & both Scale events!



1. Scale turn-in will start 7 am Friday, but scale flights will start at 8 (along with scale judge range duty)

2. Many people left their canopies on their tents. You really want to go correct this now, I'm told they are filling with water and likely going to destroy the metal frame.

Due to Wednesday's weather, we've had to make a few adjustments to the schedule:

1) FAI A PD MR, B Cluster Altitude and D Superroc Altitude will all be flown on Thursday.

2) Giant & Concept Sport Scale, along with remaining C Helicopter Duration MR flights will be flown Friday.

3) Range will run from 7AM - 5PM Thursday. Green shift should show up at 6:45, Green shift trackers at 6:30 to set up tracking.

4) Range will run from 7AM - 2PM Friday. Purple shift should show up at 6:45 for their duty.

5) Timers will now be needed Friday. 

6) The R&D on Thursday will start at 7:30, the optional C division presentations are cancelled http://naram56.org/index.php/contest-info/r-d-schedule

7) Range duty roster has been updated to reflect these changes. http://naram56.org/index.php/contest-info/range-duty-roster

Thanks, hopefully we can still enjoy the rest of NARAM!

NARAM56 contest range update for Wednesday, contest range is closed.

Complete plan for tomorrow & Friday will be posted by 2 PM local time.