07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

High Power Rocketry (motors greater than G-size) will be a significant part of NARAM-56. The flying site is located where airplanes are few, so we will enjoy a waiver to 12,000 feet (AGL) throughout the event.

The site supports any size rocket as long as it stays below the waiver altitude. On the field, the club has available the standard 10/10 and 15/15 launch rails and the heavy duty pads to support them.

Note: For the safety of the spectators and for insurance reasons, all rockets flown from Hudson Ranch must follow the NAR Model Rocket Safety Code or the NAR High Power Rocketry Safety Code and may only use NAR/TRA/CAR certified rocket engines.


High Power Certifications


If you want to make your high power certification attempts during the week, we'll be happy to help you out. Level 1 and Level 2 certification attempts can be made at any time. But we would request that you let us know your intentions, so we can have enough test-paperwork available and to match you up with the official certification witness. Please us the Contact Us page.

For Additional Information on L1 or L2 certifications, please see the NAR web site (click here).


Level-3 Rockets


If you would like to get your Level 3 certification, the process needs to start with contacting a member of the Level-3 Certification Committee (preferably one that will be in attendance or one near you plus an additional one that will be at the launch) and submitting your design packet for review. Once the design packet has been reviewed and approved, you can start construction. Any changes should also be ran by the L3CC member that have reviewed your design package and will be reviewing the construction of your certification rocket.

There will be no less than four L3CC members that have already committed to being at NARAM-56 that you can contact now to start the process: James Russell (West Coast L3CC Membership Coordinator), Mark Lionberger, John Lyngdal, and Steve Lubliner. There may be additional L3CC members in attendance, and we'll post their names as we get that information.

For steps in the L3 Certification process, see the NAR web site (click here)