07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

We've decided to offer an additional incentive to register before the late fees kick in on June 20th. Details here:



A few announcements for the sport range.

  1. Our sport range will be entirely staffed by volunteers. We'd like everyone to help out to the best of their abilities. We have a web form to signup for some volunteer duty, which will turn into a daily signup form at the field once NARAM arrives. 
  2. If you are planning a complex high power rocket (complex L2 or any Level 3 powered rocket), please get in touch with our Chief Sport Range RSO James Russell, who will make sure you have everything you need to ensure a safe flight. James is also the contact for Level 3 Certification flights at NARAM. Thanks James!

We've had lots of questions in the wake of opening registration and have updated many parts of the site here, but here is a summary in case you missed something:

1) Any NAR member may enter the competition. Previously, there was a bit of text about having enough competition points to enter, this was a mistake for which we apologize for the confusion.

2) NAR competition Teams can sign up individually and put their team information in the appropriate fields and pay separately, or they can register together as a group and pay together. Each team member attending NARAM needs to register.

3) We are accepting Paypal as our primary method of payment for registration fees, the system has worked for most people that have tried it. If it does not work for you, or you want to pay in a different way, use the "offline payment" button in the registration system and the NARAM56 crew will be in touch.

4) Registration does not include any patches or pins. We decided to offer both and allow each person to choose which one (or both) they'd like. Please feel free to buy as many as you'd like before the June 20th deadline. We will not order extras and this will be the only way to procure a pin or patch.

5) Have you never been to a NARAM before, especially not as a competitor? Do you have lots of questions about range duty or the various events? We've done our best to anticipate and answer many of them, please check under the Contest Info and Event Tips menus on the website. If you're still confused, you are welcome to contact us.

6) The 6 Fun Events are open to all registered sport and contest flyers. You do not need to register ahead of time for them. See the menu items under Fun Activities for more information. 

7) If you are only coming to NARAM for part of the competition week, we have a place for that in the registration system. We understand not everyone can stay the whole week, or may want a day off (from both flying and range duty), please just let us know when you register.

8) We'll be putting up a signup for Sport Range Volunteering some time before the event. We have some dedicated attendees who usually help the sport range run smoothly, but help is always welcome.

9) Estes has kindly donated commemorative Dark Silver kits for all NARAM Sport & Contest flyers, as well as NARAM56 decals. More info here.

10) The hotel reports that about half the rooms have been reserved. Get yours now before they fill up!

Whew! I think that covers it. Lots of little news items, but hopefully you have enough information to plan to attend.