07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for NARAM-56. With two different launch ranges running simultaneously, a lot of workers are needed to make operations run soothly. We'll need lots of volunteers for doing various duties, including: rocket safety check-in, directing traffic, info-booth, helping newbies, pad control officers (to help people hooking up their rockets), crowd control, and house-cleaning of the field, and helping out in the special events going on at NARAM.

If you will be at NARAM-56, and can help out with running the Sport Range, please use the sign up form to let us know we can count on you.

If you are interested in the Rocketry Championship competition, you will be required to serve a range duty during the weekdays. But you can still help on the "Sport Range" on the weekend to support the numerous events that occur before the competition begins.

We are also seeking group support (like Boy Scouts, Civil Air Patrol Squadrons, 4H groups), to provide additional help on the contest range throughout the week. They will be used as additional timers (timing the duration of the rocket flights), as well as doing other light-duty tasks. In exchange for their help, we will be offering reduced fees (discounts) for the use Sport Range, and maybe some other incentives we are currently putting together. Please contact the Contest Director to voice your groups availability for NARAM.

Finally, we are also seeking support in getting the word out about NARAM-56. Please contact teachers, scout leaders, SLI teams, TARC teams, and anyone else interested in rocketry. If you run a web site, we'd also appreciate a banner advertisement announcing this special event.