07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

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D Super Roc Altitude

Doug Hillson

Overview of Rules:

D Super Roc altitude requires a modeler to build a D altitude rocket between 1500 mm to 3000 mm in length. The rocket which achieves the highest score wins.


Design Considerations:

 There are two major issues to consider when designing and building a Super Roc.

The first consideration is the strength of the rocket. As the rocket length increases, the overall strength and structural stability of the rocket decreases.

The second consideration is the static stability of the rocket. As the length of a rocket increases, the margin of static stability needs to increase to ensure the rocket makes a safe flight. Super Roc's can't simply use the rule of thumb of 1 caliber of static stability. (Assuming the Barrowman equations are used to calculate the center of pressure.)


Tips for Beginners:

To get a qualified flight in D Super Roc, a beginner to NAR competition may want to consider using a constant diameter rocket body and build a rocket to the minimum length of 1500 mm. More advanced model rocketers will likely use body transitions to use progressively smaller diameter body tubes and thus reduce weight.

Advanced Tips: https://sites.google.com/site/xnarcompetition/altitude-events/super-roc-altitude

Rules Link:

The link to the rules is located at - http://www.nar.org/pinkbook/21_SRA.html


Links to Companies which sell kits:




Link to Plans:

Improved Designs for D Superroc Altitude - Apogee Peak Of Flight Newsletter #353